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Aphex Twin

I Care Because You Do [Vinyl LP]

I Care Because You Do [Vinyl LP]

Regular price $50.00 NZD
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Also known by his real name, Richard D. James, Aphex Twin is one of most intelligent and innovative artists in the world of electronica. His seemingly limitless imagination has encompassed hardcore techno, drum 'n bass, atmospheric beat-based trance music, and highly abstract compositions of the most alien and delicate nature. While James' previous album-length releases (SELECTED AMBIENT WORKS 85-92 and VOLUME II) tend towards the spacious and the meditative, I CARE BECAUSE YOU DO tempers the artist's sophisticated, ethereal textural concepts with sheer sonic aggression. "Ventolin," with its nails-on-a-chalkboard screech and a breakbeat that could remove skin from bone, may be one of the most abrasive songs ever recorded. But James' artistry oozes through his confrontational stance. In such pulsing, gorgeous collages as "Waxen Pith" and "Acrid Avid Jam Shred," shifting rhythmic patterns hold together layered melodic fragments and otherworldly dialogues of sound to achieve the equivalent of an aural mandala. I CARE is not to be overlooked.

Release Date:

UPC: 801061003012

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